
Scholarship Programmes Offered by The Netherlands

Last updated on 17 Feb 2025
Scholarship Programmes Offered by The Netherlands


Bermimpi Melanjutkan Studi ke Eropa? Jangan lewatkan EHEF Indonesia 2018, pameran pendidikan tinggi Eropa terbesar di Indonesia yang paling dinanti-nanti. Segera daftarkan dirimu sebagai peserta dalam perhelatan akbar EHEF Indonesia 2018 secara GRATIS di sini.

By Sonia Azalia

Desire to take your studies to the next level?

The Netherlands, having a worldly-recognized education quality recruiting about 122,000 students from abroad yearly, might provide you with the best international studying experience.

Excellent Higher Education System

Dutch universities are acknowledged worldwide for their well-designed, modern courses and facilities.

The teaching style is interactive, student-centered and focuses on teamwork. Most tutorials and seminars take place in small groups of around 15-30 students and most of student's coursework will consist of group work. The aim is to not just harness a student's academic skills and one's individualistic and competitive sense, but one's ability to work as a team.

There are also two types of education a student can choose from: 

1. A research-oriented education (wetenschappelijk onderwijs, WO), the highest level of education offered by research universities
2. Higher professional education (hoger beroepsonderwijs, HBO), offered by universities of applied sciences (hogescholen) that provides more specialized studies.

There is also a third, smaller branch of higher education, provided by institutes for international education, which offer programmes designed especially for international students.

Each of these education types adapt the European Higher Education Area three cycle degree system. Students will first obtain a bachelor’s degree (first cycle), continue to study for a master’s degree (second cycle), then after completing, one can start can start a PhD degree or PDeng degree programme (third cycle)—all in one university.

Find the list of universities in The Netherlands, here.

Opportunities for ASEAN students

The Netherlands is known for its international study environment, for it has the largest offer of English-taught programmes in Europe. More than 2,100 international study programmes and courses are available, covering a broad and diverse range of fields, and leading to a bachelor’s, master’s, PhD, diploma or certificate.

This is due to the nature of the country having an open and strong connection to other cultures, the business community and the world. For foreign students, it is easy to feel welcome and to immerse oneself in the international studying experience. 

In general, annual study fees at The Netherlands cost between  € 6,000 – € 12,000 for Bachelor studies and between € 8,000 – € 20,000 for Masters studies. Meanwhile, the monthly living expenses suggested by Dutch immigration (IND) for international students range from € 800 - € 1,000. This amount can be used for accommodation, meals, transportation and entertainment.

Applying for a scholarship is definitely the best way to make sure one can cover the high costs. We've listed below scholarship programmes offered by the The Nuffic Neso, where ASEAN students are able to apply to.

Official Website: Nuffic Neso Indonesia

1. StuNed

The StuNed program is part of the Dutch government's bilateral cooperation with Indonesia, listed in the Multi Annual Policy Framework (2014-2017). This is a fully funded scholarship program for excellent candidates who would like to pursue their Master degree, short courses, and one distinctive program for institution called Tailor-made-training.

The programme gives priority to the following areas:

  • International Trade, Finance and Economics
  • Transport, (Agro)logistics and Infrastructure
  • Security and Rule of Law
  • Agro-Food and Horticulture

Applicants will be given the tuition (maximum  €20,000 per year), monthly living expenses, local and international travel costs, and other costs needed to support the study. Also, those who has been accepted to one of Dutch Universities in the Netherlands with a study program related to the priority area would benefit a plus point of chance to be awarded.

Candidates are required to be of Indonesian nationality (no age limit) that have obtained a Bachelor's or D4 degree with minimum GPA 3,00 (StuNed Master) / 2,75 (StuNed Short Course), a fresh graduate or employee eligible to apply for StuNed Master, 2 years of working experience for StuNed Short Course, have received a Letter of Acceptance (unconditional) from one of the Dutch Higher Education Institution,  and have obtained English proficiency certificate with minimum score of IELTS 6,0 / TOEFL iBT 80 for Master and IELTS 5,5 / TOEFL iBT 68 for Short Course.

For more information, click here.

2. Orange Tulip Scholarship

Orange Tulip Scholarship is a partial scholarship offered for Indonesian citizens and several countries where Nuffic Neso offices are located, who would like to pursue their Bachelor's or Master's. Dutch higher education institutions, the Dutch company and the Indonesian government, joined as a sponsor to open up more opportunities in the Dutch study.

You could consider apply for this scholarship if your targeted university is listed in the OTS scheme (per country may vary). Once you have registered your study program the university, you could apply for OTS scholarships by sending your documents to Neso office. OTS would be awarded in the form of tuition fee waiver or living allowance depends on its scheme (per university).

Candidates are required to be Indonesian citizens (OTS Indonesia) that are not currently studying or working in the Netherlands, with their application admitted proven by Letter of Acceptance, and meet the special conditions required by the Orange Tulip Scholarship scheme (per university may vary).

For more information, click here.

3. Holland Scholarship

The scholarship is created by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in collaboration with the Dutch research universities and universities of applied sciences to support more and more international students to pursue a Bachelor or Master degree studies while experiencing Dutch society and the middle of 'the world' experience. 

Cadidates are required to be a non-EEA nationality, have started admission process at Holland Scholarship’s partner universities for a full-time bachelor’s or master’s programme, meet the specific requirements of the chosen institution, and do not have a degree from Dutch education institution before applying Holland Scholarship.

The benefit of the scholarships includes  €5,000 for the first year of study.

For more information, click here.

4. Orange Knowledge Program

The Orange Knowledge Program (OKP), formerly Netherlands Fellowship Programme (NFP), is a scholarship programme initiated and fully-funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs for short courses and Master programs. This programme is aimed for qualified students from developing countries who would like to pursue a Masters degree or PhD.

This programme consists of three components; individual scholarships for mid-career professionals, group training, and institutional partnerships between knowledge institutions.

Targeted candidates are professionals who work, live, and hold a citizenship in one of the 52 countries on the OKP Country list. To be able to apply for this type of scholarships, the candidate must be nominated by his/her organization.

Some of the priority themes are:

  • Food and Nutrition Security
  • Water
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
  • Security and The Rule of the Law
  • Energy and Climate

Candidates are required to hold a nationality of, working and living in one of the 52 OKP partner’s countries, provide employer’s statement that complies with the format Nuffic has provided, must not be employed by an organisation that has its own means of staff-development, must have a government statement that meets the requirements of the country in which the employer is established (if applicable), and must have an official passport valid at least three months after the submission date of the registration form by the candidate.

For more information, click here.

So, which programme will be your choosing?

If you would like to ask your questions regarding the scholarship programmes in person to the representatives, you could attend EHEF Indonesia 2018 this November! Register here!