
Preparing for The Webinar Series "Study in Germany"

Last updated on 24 Oct 2024
Preparing for The Webinar Series "Study in Germany"


By Rebecca Isjwara

The Webinar Series "Study in Germany" is right around the corner and we hope you’ve found reasons to attend! On March 20-22, 2018, state-funded and non-profit organisation DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) will host a 3-day webinar (online web seminar) for Southeast Asian students from 15.00-18.00 WIB. The sessions will be held online and is accessible anywhere as long as you have an internet connection. This is your chance to watch presentations from 15 different German institutions and have your inquiries answered through a live Q&A session—all from the comfort of your own home. Given that this is a rare opportunity, figuring out how to make the most out of it might be a puzzle. Here’s our suggestions on how to prepare for them.

1. Sign up and look at the schedule

You won’t be able to join the webinar unless you register ahead of time, so be sure to SIGN UP HERE. DAAD would host different institutions every day, so take a look at the full schedule here to be sure that you’ll be present for your desired session. It is advised that you go online 10-15 minutes before the session you want to attend as well just to familiarise yourself with the user interface. It will also give you ample time to connect and set up the webinar correctly, just in case.

For a complete list of scholarships to study in Germany, click here.

Untuk daftar lengkap Beasiswa Kuliah ke Jerman, klik di sini.

2. Look up the institutions

Now that you’re aware of some of your desired sessions, look the relevant institutions up on or their websites and try to figure out their basic information: which part of Germany are they located in, what are the requirements to quality, what subjects do they offer, and more. Although the institutions are more likely than not to present the basic information, note that they, too, have a limited amount of time to present to the webinar audience, so knowing this basic information beforehand might help should they cut some bits and pieces out due to time constraints.

You don’t have to just look up the institutions you’re interested in—should you have more time, we strongly recommend you to stay for the other sessions and look up those institutions as well. The webinars are designed to have different areas of focus each day, so looking at the sessions adjacent to ones you are interested in would be a good place to start since they would most likely be presentations with similar content. Who knows, you might find something interesting when doing your background research.

3. Prepare some questions

There is a live question-and-answer (Q&A) session after each presentation, and that would be your chance to raise some of the issues or concerns that were not addressed by their website nor their presentations. Listing down some questions alongside your researched information would not be a bad idea as you can always refer to the list before and during the Q&A. This might be the most convenience chance for you to get your answers in real-time, so make the best out of it.

So, what are you waiting for? SIGN UP NOW!

For further information about stuyding in Germany, click here.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang Kuliah di Jerman, klik di sini.