
How to pass the DELF/DALF Exams

Last updated on 17 Feb 2025
How to pass the DELF/DALF Exams

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By Rebecca Isjwara

For a complete list of scholarship to study in France, click here.

Untuk daftar lengkap Beasiswa Kuliah ke Prancis, klik di sini.

When applying for education or jobs that require a certified proof of your French language proficiency, you might encounter the terms “DELF” and “DALF” a lot. These two acronyms are diplomas or certifications issued by the French Ministry of Education to prove your proficiency of the French language. There are also various types and levels for each exam, depending on what you need and the difficulty. It is worth noting that the test does not necessarily test academic French, but more on how you use the language in social and conversational settings. Already confused but need that certificate? We’ve got your back. Here are our pointers for how to get there:

1. Figure out which certificate you need

Do a bit of research and visit the official website on the examinations to figure out which level would suit you best. The breakdown of levels from easiest to hardest are as follows:

DELF A1 - “basic user” expressing themselves for daily situations DELF A2 - “basic user” expressing themselves and their feelings as well as arguments DELF B1 - “independent user” able to express opinions and join discussions DELF B2 - “independent user” able to argue their point of view in a detailed manner DALF C1 - “proficient user” able to join a discussion comfortably DALF C2 - “proficient user” able to join complicated discussions

Popular University in France: Université Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie

Universitas Populer di Perancis: Université Paris 6 - Pierre et Marie Curie

2. Look up classes nearby

Although standardised tests can always be independently studied, it is advised that you go to a few classes to develop a preliminary understanding of the French language. The reason for this is because the language’s grammar and structure is quite different from both Indonesian and English, and so picking it up on your own would be an extremely difficult feat. It would speed up the process and ease burdens on your end to attend classes designed to develop and improve your French proficiency.

3. Surround yourself with French media

Radio shows, TV programs, movies - you name it. In order to get a better grasp of the language, fully immerse yourself in French media to develop a better understanding of the language. It would also help you in making sentences, as you can be exposed to how certain words and sentence structures can be used in various conversations and contexts. Doing so would not only improve your comprehension, but would help out in the listening part of your tests as well.

Also read: Popular cities to study in France

Baca juga: Kota-kota terpopuler lainnya untuk kuliah di Prancis.

4. Get a practice buddy

Using a language is the best way to learn it, so it’s time to get yourself a practice buddy for you to learn with. They can be your conversation partner, your essay proofreader, or just someone you can chill and catch a French movie with. No matter how hard you independently learn, having someone to practice with would speed up your learning, and would allow you to help each other in the process.

For a complete list of universities in France, click here.

Untuk daftar lengkap universitas di Prancis, klik di sini.

5. Do mock exams

The internet is filled with sample exams from previous DELF/DALF sessions, and it would be very helpful if you looked at those and tried to do them. Doing so would allow you to familiarise yourself with the structure of the test, and so you would not have to waste your time reading the instructions during the hours that count. Going through a mock exam would also highlight certain key areas or segments you’d need improvement on, and you would be able to focus your further study efforts on that.

Good luck!

For more information about studying in France, click here.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut mengenai kuliah di Prancis, klik di sini.